Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Press Alert: Wilkinson Prison Brings Joan Trumpauer Mulholland to Southwest Mississippi


MDOC Commissioner Pelicia Hall, left, presented Joan Trumpauer Mulholland with the Commissioner's Coin.

Wilkinson prison brings Joan Trumpauer Mulholland 
to southwest Mississippi

WOODVILLE, Miss. -- Civil rights pioneer Joan Trumpauer came to southwest Mississippi this week with a message of love, unity, and social justice. Her visit was sponsored by MTC/Wilkinson County Correctional Facility (WCCF) of Woodville.

On Monday, the day she arrived, she toured Anne Moody’s hometown of Centreville.

The former Freedom Rider, who was joined by her son, Loki Mulholland, spoke at Wilkinson County High School at 9 .am. on Tuesday. She addressed nearly 300 students – from the 9th through 12th grade -- in the school’s gym and signed autographs.

At 11 a.m., she spoke at WCCF, addressing an audience of staff and community leaders. She addressed offenders at a 2 p.m. program.

From left, standing: Deputy Warden of Programs George Castro, Civil Rights Pioneer Joan Trumpauer Mulholland, and Warden Scott Middlebrooks. The Rev. Dr. Ed King is seated.

Special guests included Commissioner Pelicia Hall of the Mississippi Department of Corrections (MDOC), Rep. Angela Cockerham, Senator Tammy Witherspoon, Mayor Keshia Stewart Ford, and the Rev. Dr. Ed King. Rep. Cockerham presented Trumpauer with a proclamation; Mayor Ford presented her with a Key to the City of Woodville. Commissioner Hall, who also spoke at the 11 a.m. program, presented Trumpauer with a “commissioner’s coin.”

About 90 people attended the event, which was described by Warden Scott Middlebrooks as “the largest and most historic” event held at the facility.

From left, Deputy Warden of Operations Gabriel Walker, MDOC Commissioner Pelicia Hall, Warden Scott Middlebrooks, Deputy Warden of Programs George Castro, and Dr. Roscoe Barnes III, Chaplain.

#AnneMoody #ComingOfAgeinMississippi #CivilRights #BlackHistory #PublicHistory #WomensHistory #JoanTrumpauer #FreedomRider


Want to know MORE about Anne Moody?

Visit here to see the timeline of important
events in her life history!


For more information: 
See the Anne Moody page here. Questions about the Anne Moody History Project may be directed to Roscoe Barnes III, Ph.D. via email at doctorbarnes3@gmail.com or roscoebarnes3@yahoo.com. For updates on Anne Moody history and the on-going work of this community service project, simply follow this blog or follow AMHP on Twitter (@AnneMoodyHP). #ComingOfAgeinMississippi

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Inspiring message by V. Charlene Evers-Kreel

  (Click on image to enlarge.) This story appears in the Thursday, March 6, 2025, issue of The Mississippi Link.