Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Conversation with Felicia Williams

Candidate for Mayor of Centreville, Miss.

By Roscoe Barnes III, PhD

Felicia Williams

NOTE: This blog post presents an interview I recently had with Felicia Williams, who is running for mayor for the town of Centreville. Williams currently serves as an Alderwoman on the Centreville Board of Aldermen. In addition to being active in her community, she has spearheaded numerous programs and activities that benefit Wilkinson County and Centreville. As a resident of Centreville, I have sought her input on a number of issues, including “boil water” notices, among other things. Each time, she promptly answered my questions and provided the help that I needed. Williams uses Facebook and other means to keep her constituents informed about issues that matter to them. I am personally grateful to her for her leadership, her vision, and her compassion. I have known her -- and have worked with her – for a number of years, and I can truly say that she knows how to get things done.
When I learned that Williams was a candidate for mayor, I reached out to her for an interview. What follows is her reply to the following questions:

Why are you running for mayor?
Why should people vote for you?
How are you qualified for this position?
What are the top 3 issues that you would like to address as mayor?
What other elected positions have you held?
What is your educational background?
What types of jobs have you had over the years?
In answering my questions, Williams was clear and thorough, holding nothing back. She went the extra mile to show how she is uniquely qualified to serve as mayor for the town of Centreville. I trust that you will find her information both helpful and enlightening.


Why are you running for mayor?
I want to be mayor because I know Centreville is moving forward. I could not sit on the sidelines when so much is at stake for our town. Centreville needs an experienced leader who can maintain our momentum. Centreville cannot afford inexperience leadership at this time.  Centreville is a great town and great towns continuously seek improvement.  Great towns think about what they will look like 20 years from now.
I have taken bold steps to improve Centreville’s finances and essential services and there is more work to do. When it comes to our Town's budget, I have continued to look at every dollar requested, allocated and spent to insure continued fiscal accountability. I’m excited about where we are going, and for this reason I am seeking election as Mayor.  I will continue to keep a diligent eye on our town’s finances, make sure we have a balanced budget, and see that the town spends money wisely. I will work even harder to reduce water rates and to improve rubbish collection services.
In July, I will end my tenure as Alderwoman, I do so with pride and with the satisfaction of knowing that our town is moving in the right direction. During my tenure, I worked diligently with the Board of Aldermen to ensure that the town of Centreville is moving forward.  I am proud of our collective accomplishments.  During my tenure as Alderwoman I also learned that the place to make the greatest impact is in the Mayor's office because the Mayor has to be a community vision facilitator, communicating concepts to our staff and our community.
It has been said that, “You’re either part of the solution or you are part of the problem.”   I want to be mayor because I have the hands-on experience and vision needed to be part of the solution. Centreville is truly at a crossroads, but we’re not going to get to the next level unless we have experienced leadership to ensure that we are advocating on behalf of all the people of Centreville, not just a few. Regardless of your ethnic background; your economic status; your personal preferences; whom you know or where you live, if you have an idea, a concern, or an interest in our town, I will listen and work with you to help make our town the great place to live that it once was and shall become again.
On a personal note, I want to be mayor and serve as a source of inspiration for young women who will come after me. I encounter so many little girls who are excited to think I could be their mayor and that they too, could be mayor one day. Centreville is where I was born and raised and where I chose to raise my daughter.  Centreville is the best town in Southwest Mississippi and I look forward to continuing to represent the people of Centreville as Mayor.
How are you qualified for this position?
I am a leader. I am a careful decision-maker, able to hear all sides and make informed decisions.
I have during my service as Alderwoman been able to garnered support of the Board of Aldermen in spite of political or philosophical differences.
I take great pride in my ability help the Board of Aldermen put differences aside, rise to the occasion and provide services to our residents that are among the best in the area at a cost that is lower than other towns.
I am a member of the Mississippi Municipal League (MML) where I became certified in Financial Management for Small Water Systems, a Certified Mayoral Health Council coach, Certified by MS State Fire Academy for Elected and Public officials, studied Municipal Law, Municipal Finance, Community Development, Economic Development, Professional Development, and Municipal Organization becoming a Certified Municipal Official. I am also a member of MS Black Caucus for Local and Elected Officials (MBC-LEO).
During my service as Alderwoman, I have had the opportunity to learn how municipal government really operates.  That knowledge will be needed to help Centreville rise above where we are today and bring everyone with us. Centreville can meet its potential if it has an independent leader with knowledge and experience. I know I am that leader because I can work with anyone, I listen to everyone, and I am beholden to no one.
Why should people vote for you?
If Centreville is honest in its thoughts concerning the best candidate for mayor, then Felicia Williams is the obvious choice.
Residents should vote for me because I have the experience and passion to lead and build a high-performing town government, and because I know I can unite the community in support of our children.  I am a proven leader who solves problems and seizes opportunities. I want to make a difference in the town that I love.
While the last four years were certainly not without its challenges. I was unable to accomplish some of the things that I wanted to do and others took longer than I thought it should. Nonetheless, it has been my great pleasure to serve as Alderwoman.  This was my first term and if I have learned anything, it is to remain committed and positive. There are many reasons I am optimistic about the years ahead. Our collective vision of a Town that is a great place to live, work and raise a family and our willingness to roll up our sleeves and get things done sets us apart from other communities in the area. I will continue to work to solve our problems and reach new heights.
I am ever encouraged by the innovative and exciting things happening in Centreville daily.  I point to the work that is being done to renovate the Field Clinic building to house the Southwest Mississippi Mental Health Complex.
I believe in a Centreville that doesn’t just talk about positive change, but takes action by creating and supporting programs and policies that ensure everyone in our Town has the opportunity they need to be successful and to achieve economic success.
I have demonstrated my ability to be an effective advocate for the town of Centreville on the Board of Aldermen, and now is not the time to stop and restart. There is more work to be done, and I am ready, willing and able to keep Centreville moving forward. I ask for your support on Tuesday, June 8, 2021.
What are the top 3 issues that you would like to address as mayor?

With the understanding that what is good for business is good for all of us, I will work to create a business-friendly environment for our town.  I will work to ensure that our commercial areas are clean and safe.  
Expanding our commercial tax base is a good way to ease the burden on all taxpayers as well as to create employment opportunities for our citizens. I will work with residents, local business, county and state economic development entities to determine the best way to attract new businesses as well as to keep current businesses. With that said, let me be very clear, I consider keeping our existing businesses just as important as attracting new ones.
I will work to improve the functioning and productivity of Mayor/Board of Alderman by establishing bi-weekly reports to better serve our community. This will allow the Mayor and Alderman become more actively involved in our community. This will also ensure that both the public and the board receives information in a timely manner.  Additionally, I will work to create weekly newsletters to be posted on our Town web-page to keep the community residents updated on matters of concern to them.
I plan to work closely with the Southwest Mississippi Mental Health Complex to improve the quality of community mental and substance use disorder treatment services to residents in our community.  The Southwest Mississippi Mental Health Complex has a lease agreement for the Field Clinic located on Main street in Centreville.
I will continue my work to reduce water and sewer rates.  To suggest that a reduction of the rates should be done by a simple vote of the majority of the Board of Aldermen absent a veto by the mayor is unwise, without the consideration of the impact on the town’s operations.  The largest and most consistent source of revenue for the town of Centreville come from its utility services department.
I will continue my work to eliminate wasteful spending in our garbage collection services. Last year our town paid approximately $130,465 for garbage collection services. The cost continues to rise as the quality of services continue to fall; inconsistent pick-up times, failure to collect garbage on designated days and not collecting items as required by the contractual agreement are just a few of the complaints from our citizens.  Research indicates that bringing the garbage collection services back to our Town will enable the Town to address the complaints, save money and create employment opportunities for our citizens.
What other elected positions have you held?
* I served as Policy Council Representative for AJFC Head Start from 2014-2019.
* I served on the Board of Directors for Southwest Mississippi Opportunity (SMO) since 2020
* Champs Peer Mentor for Ashford University and the University of Arizona Global since 2017
* 1st Ward Alderwomen for Town of Centreville since 2017
What is your educational background?
* I am a 1994 graduate of Wilkinson County High School
* Studied Law Enforcement at Southwest Mississippi Junior College 94-95
* I am a 2018 graduate of Ashford University with a BA in Criminal Justice and Minor Political Science
* I am now attending Belhaven University pursuing a Masters in Teaching (MAT)
What types of jobs have you had over the years?
* Corrections Sergeant State of Louisiana Jetson Correctional Facility 1998-2002
* Diesel Truck Driver Swift Transportation 2002-2004
* Nuclear Technician holding title of Senior General Foreman for Chicago Bridge and Iron (Local #1177),
* Junior Radiation Protection Technician for Bartlett Nuclear and Senior Decontamination Technician for DZ Atlantic/The Southern Company from 2006-2015. Traveled to refuel Nuclear Power Stations across the Continental United States.
* Corrections Lieutenant/Captain at MTC/WCCF 2015-2018
* Corrections Lieutenant Therapeutic at Eastern Louisiana Mental Health 2019-2020
* 1st Ward Alderwoman Town of Centreville 2017- Present
* Currently Emergency Manager for Town of Centreville
* Currently Corrections Captain at MTC/WCCF


ROSCOE BARNES III, Ph.D., is a writer, chaplain, historian, and former newspaper reporter. He is the author of more than a dozen books and Gospel tracts. For more information about his work and history, see his Personal Profile here or visit his website: http://www.roscoebarnes.net. Connect with him on Twitter (@roscoebarnes3) or by email: roscoebarnes3@yahoo.com.

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