By Roscoe Barnes III
Author, F.F. Bosworth: The Man Behind Christ the Healer
Copyright (c) 2018
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Charles Finney was one of F.F. Bosworth's favorite authors. |
The story of F.F. Bosworth is not complete without a knowledge of the books he read and an understanding of the people he admired. As Ralph Waldo Emerson so aptly stated, “A man is known by the books he reads, by the company he keeps (and) by the praise he gives.”
To fully appreciate Bosworth and his contributions to church history, one must read what he read, or at the least, have some knowledge of the authors he cited. Such knowledge, I believe, will help us to see the source of his inspiration and how some of his ideas were formed. This knowledge will also give insight into his theology and how it was shaped by his contemporaries, as well as by those who came before him.
With the above thoughts in
mind, I want to share a list of what I believe to be Bosworth’s favorite books
and the authors he most frequently cited in his sermons and magazine. My use of
the term “favorite” is based on those titles that he either praised,
recommended, or referenced most often. Most of the titles are mentioned in his classic,Christ the Healer, and in his biography, Joybringer Bosworth. Some also appeared in his magazine, Exploits of Faith.
Bainbridge, Harriette S. Life for Soul and Body. New York: Christian Alliance Publishing Company, 1906.
Bounds, E.M. Purpose in Prayer. New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1920.
Chappell, F.L. The Names of the Deity. Dayton, OH: John J. Scruby, n.d.
Decker, Frances J. A Vision of the Cross. Dayton, Ohio: John J. Scruby, 1925.
Deem, Fred. The modern Fundamentalists, or Why Not Trust God for healing? Dayton, OH: John J. Scruby, n.d.
Edwards, Jonathan. Narrative of Many Surprising Conversions in Northampton and Vicinity, Written in 1736, Together with Some Thoughts on the Revival in New England Written in 1740. Worcester, MA: Moses W. Grant, 1832.
Finney, Charles. Finney's Lectures on Revival. Chicago, IL: Fleming H. Revell Co., n.d.
------. Sermons on the Way of Salvation. Oberlin, OH: Edward J. Goodrich, 1891.
Gordon, A.J. The Ministry of Healing: Miracles of Cure in All Ages. New York: The Christian Alliance Publishing Co., 1882.
Kenyon, E.W. The Father and His Family. Fullerton, CA: Kenyon's Gospel Publishing Society, 1937.
------. In His Presence. Seattle, WA: E. W. Kenyon, 1944.
------. Jesus the Healer. Seattle, WA: E.W. Kenyon, 1940.
------. Kenyon's Living Poems. Seattle, WA: E.W. Kenyon, 1935.
------. The New Kind of Love. Seattle, WA: E.W. Kenyon, 1942.
------. Two Kinds of Faith. Seattle, WA: E. W. Kenyon, 1942.
------. Two Kinds of Life. Seattle, WA: E. W. Kenyon, 1943.
------. Two Kinds of Righteousness. Seattle, WA: Kenyon's Church of the Air, 1942.
------. The Wonderful Name of Jesus. Seattle, WA: Kenyon's Gospel Publishing Society, 1927.
McCrossan, T.J. The Bible: Its Christ and Modernism. New York: Christian Alliance Publishing, 1925.
------. Bodily Healing and The Atonement. Youngstown, OH: Clement Humbard, 1930.
Muller, George. The Autobiography of George Muller. London: J. Nisbet & Co., 1905.
------. Soul Nourishment First. 1841
Murray, Andrew. Divine Healing: A Series of Addresses. New York: Christian Alliance Publishing Co., 1900.
Nuzum, Mrs. C. (Cornelia). Life of Faith. Springfield, MO: Gospel Publishing House, 1928.
Osborn, T.L. Healing the Sick and Casting Out Devils. Tulsa, OK: The Voice of Faith Ministry, 1955.
Pierson, Arthur T. Forward Movements of the Last Half Century. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1905.
Riggle, Herbert McClellan. The Sabbath and the Lord's Day. Anderson, IN: Gospel Trumpet Company, 1928.
Schneppmueller, Vivian Bosworth. A Testimony of Salvation and Healing: A Biography of C&MA Evangelist H. Karl Schneppmueller. St. Paul, MN: Vivian Bosworth Schneppmueller, n.d.
Scruby, John James. Gems of Truth on Divine Healing. Dayton, OH : John J. Scruby, 1904.
Simpson, A.B. The Gospel of Healing. Harrisburg, PA: Christian Publications, 1915.
Stevens, W.C. Jesus Our Healer. Los Angeles, CA: Torrey Bible Institute, n.d..
Torrey, R.A. Divine Healing: Does God Perform Miracles Today? New York: Fleming H. Revell, 1924.
Wesley, John. Works of Wesley. London: Wesleyan Methodist Book Room, 1872.
Woodworth-Etter, Maria B. Acts of the Holy Ghost, or The life, work, and experience of Mrs. M. B. Woodworth-Etter, Written by Herself. Dallas, TX: John F. Worley Printing Co., 1912.
Bible Translations
Delitzsch, Franz. Delitzsch's Hebrew New Testament. Leipzig, Ackermann: The British and Foreign Bible Society, 1877.
Leeser, Isaac. The Leeser Bible/Leeser's Jewish Bible. Philadelphia, PA: Isaac Leeser, 1853.
Moffatt, James. Moffatt, New Translation/The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments, a New Translation. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press, 1922.
Rotherham, Joseph Bryant. Rotherham's Emphasized Bible. London: H.R. Allenson, 1897-1902.
Scofield, C.I. Scofield Reference Bible (KJV). New York: Oxford University Press, 1917.
Weymouth, Richard Francis. Weymouth New Testament/The Modern Speech New Testament. New York: Baker & Taylor Company, 1903.
Young, Robert. Young's Literal Translation of the Holy Bible. Edinburgh: George Adam Young & Co., 1863.
Other Writers
There were a number of authors that did not make the above list because it could not be determined which of their books were actually read by Bosworth. Even so, we can say with some certainty, based on his relationship with the authors, that he probably read their books. For example, John Alexander Dowie was a prolific writer. Yet, Bosworth said little about him (probably due to the controversies of Dowie and Zion City). But since Bosworth lived in Zion City and actually worked for him, one can safely assume that Bosworth was intimately familiar with his writings. It's also worth noting that Bosworth's biographer suggested he learned of Dowie by reading The Leaves of Healing.
Given Bosworth's relationship with Moody Bible Institute and the editors of the Moody magazine, it is likely that he read D.L. Moody. Billy Sunday was another evangelist he seemed to admire. Bosworth once indicated his respect for Sunday in letter published as a news item.
Another author that could be listed here is Oswald J. Smith, whose articles appeared in Bosworth's Exploits of Faith magazine.
Bosworth's magazine also featured the writings of his wife, Florence, and his brother, B.B. Bosworth. Other writers included Evangelist A.G. Jeffries, Harry Hodge, C.C. Fitch, Rev. William T. MacArthur, Rev. Herbert Dyke, Rev. P. Gavin Duffy, Bishop Charles H. Brent, James Moore Hickson, Carrie Judd Montgomery, Rev. J. P. Roberts, Mary Lowe Dickinson, Rev. W. J. Bennett, Ethel E. Tulloch, E. West, Charles H. Usher, John Harris, Fannie J. Rowe, J. Albert Libby and Dr. Gerald B. Winrod.
Bosworth's magazine featured many books that were distributed by John J. Scruby. However, the names of the authors were not always included.
Note: My book, F.F. Bosworth: The Man Behind Christ the Healer, can be purchased here with a 25% discount. Use the discount code: bosworth25.
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