Saturday, December 1, 2018

F.F. Bosworth Mentioned in Hugh Jeter's book, By His Stripes

By Roscoe Barnes III
Author, F.F. Bosworth: The Man Behind Christ the Healer
Copyright (c) 2018


Every once in a while I like to renew my acquaintance with old books on the subject of God's healing power. One of my favorites is Hugh P. Jeter's By His Stripes: A Biblical Study on Divine Healing (Gospel Publishing House, 1977). 

After misplacing the book during a move from Pennsylvania to South Carolina, and a later move to Mississippi, I learned it was out of print. To my delight, I found a used copy on Amazon.

I discovered Jeter's book in the early 1980s and immediately fell in love with its collection of healing anecdotes, case histories, and brief mentions of Pentecostal pioneers and healing evangelists. Later on, while attending East Coast Bible College in Charlotte, N.C., I became ecstatic when Dr. Kenneth Bell adopted the book as a required text for a class on divine healing.

Jeter was an Assemblies of God missionary in Latin America, where he witnessed the Lord's healing power in evangelistic healing campaigns, according to his publisher. He later served on the faculty of Southern Arizona Bible College in Hereford, Ariz. In his Preface to the book, Jeter noted his acquaintance with a number of famous healing evangelists. He said that he "had the privilege of sitting under the ministry of P.C. Nelson, Charles S. Price, Raymond T. Richey, Smith Wigglesworth, and many contemporary evangelists who have been used of God in praying for the sick." 

Jeter's book offers a perspective on divine healing that is shaped by his eye-witness accounts, personal experience, and scholarship. The book is also balanced in its approach to the topic.

Jeter, surprisingly, doesn't say much about F.F. Bosworth, but what he does say is clear and concise about his contributions to Pentecostal church history and the healing revival movements in the 20th century. Jeter wrote:

F.F. Bosworth was one of the early preachers of the gospel of healing. He expounded the Word of God on the subject with great clarity and with good results.

Whenever I read Jeter's statement about Bosworth, I'm reminded of an interview I had with Don Gossett. In a 2004 email, he said he once shared a meal with Bosworth. He added: "I very much enjoyed my fellowship with him and I found him to be very much what you find about him in books written on his life."


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