Tuesday, August 20, 2019

ON THIS DAY (August 20): Kenneth E. Hagin is Born

By Roscoe Barnes III, PhD
Copyright (c) 2019


Kenneth E. Hagin
(1917 - 2003)


Reminder: "F.F. Bosworth History" is now on Twitter. Follow @bosworth_fred 


On Aug. 20, 1917, Kenneth E. Hagin, who was known as the father of the modern Word of Faith movement, was born in McKinney, Texas. Hagin was a staunch follower of the teachings of E.W. Kenyon. He also was a student of F.F.Bosworth during the post-World War II healing revival. He and Bosworth were members of The Voice of Healing and their writings appeared in the magazine of the same name. Bosworth’s book, Christ the Healer, has been a required text at Rhema Bible Training Center, the school that Hagin founded in the 1970s.

Hagin had a childhood that was plagued with sickness and disease. He reportedly suffered from a deformed heart and an incurable blood disease. He eventually found himself on a deathbed. However, he credited Mark 11:24 as the Scripture that led to his miraculous healing: “… What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.”

Hagin said that after his healing, the Lord called him to "Go teach my people faith." Although active as a pastor and teacher in the 1940s and 1950s, it was during the 1960s and 1970s that his ministry saw phenomenal growth.

During the late 1960s, he began publishing The Word of Faith magazine, which is “now produced nine times a year, [and] has a circulation of over 200,000,” according to Kenneth Hagin Ministries’ website. Hagin also founded Faith Library Publications, which has seen a global circulation of more than 65 million copies of books written by him and his family. Hagin also produced the radio broadcast, Faith Seminar of the Air. He held citywide ministry conferences that attracted thousands of people each year.

In addition to his publications, one of Hagin’s major contributions to the church was undoubtedly the founding of Rhema Bible Training Center in 1974. Today, the school is known internationally. It has campuses throughout the world.

Hagin was an inspiring teacher and dynamic speaker who was known as a great story-teller. He had a folksy style of delivery, and he spoke with clarity.

Hagin became embroiled in controversy when a scholar found he had plagiarized the writings of E. W. Kenyon. Some of his followers who preach a prosperity gospel have been accused of taking his “word of faith” message to the extreme. Critics have accused him of promoting heresy.

Hagin died on Sept. 19, 2003. He was 86.

Related article:

"F.F. Bosworth and Kenneth Hagin Jr.: A Look at the Similarities in Their Writings on the Past Tense of God’s Word." See here.

#OnThisDay #OTD #ThisDayInHistory #ThisDayInFFBosworthHistory #ChurchHistory


Note: My book, F.F. Bosworth: The Man Behind "Christ the Healer," can be purchased here with a 25% discount. Use the discount code: bosworth25.


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Visit the F.F. Bosworth page here. Questions about the research and commentary on F.F. Bosworth may be directed to Roscoe Barnes III, Ph.D., via email at doctorbarnes3@gmail.com or roscoebarnes3@yahoo.com. For updates on F.F. Bosworth history, simply follow this blog or @bosworth_fred and @Roscoebarnes3 on Twitter. #ChristTheHealer #BosworthMention #BosworthMatters

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