Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Halfway Houses, Transitional Homes in Mississippi (Updated July 2020)

A partial list of places for men leaving jail or prison

By Roscoe Barnes III, PhD
Chaplain/PIO, Wilkinson County Correctional Facility
Author, Chaplain Resource Guide 
Copyright (c) 2020

Halfway Houses,Transitional Homes in Mississippi
(Updated July 2020)

Grateful acknowledgments are made to Ms. Mirinda Frison, director of the Pre-Release program for the Mississippi Department of Corrections (MDOC). This list was compiled primarily by her and other MDOC officials who work with offenders in pre-release/reentry programs. This list consists of the organizations and ministries that work with male offenders. I personally called each organization to verify their information. 

Note: This material will be included in the upcoming edition of the Chaplain Resource Guide: FREE Bibles, Books, Literature, and Other Important Resources for Correctional Chaplains.

Christian Services
105 Mc Swain Street
Hattiesburg, MS 39401
Contact: Jim Prout, director
Note: A recovery programs. Liberty Ministries, a men’s in-house one-year rehab program. No detox.

Dying to Live/The Waltman Home for Men
301 Nth 2nd Avenue
Laurel, MS 39440
Phone: 601-543-4744
Contact: Melissa Sanders, director (601-335-2927)
Website: http://dyingtolive.nationbuilder.com/
Note: This is a faith-based addiction recovery ministry that uses a non-traditional version of the 12-step model to break the cycle of addiction and help people recover.

Grace House
P.O. Box 68924
Jackson, MS 39286
Fax: (601) 352-5128
Catherine Sullivan (601-353-1038), executive director
Anita Smith, (601-353-1038) outreach coordinator

Green Meadows/AIDS Service Coalition
2255 Broadway Drive
Hattiesburg, MS 39402
(601) 296-6472
Contact: Sharon Griffin
Note: Provides service/assistance for the homeless.

Love In Action
234 Hwy. 28 West
Laurel, MS 39443
Contact: Polly Coker, director
Note: One-year Life Recovery program. Offender should write a letter and note the crime he committed that led to his incarceration. He also must agree to follow the rules. No sex offenders are accepted.

Mission At The Cross
324 South Magnolia Street
Laurel, MS 39440
Phone: 601-335-2060
Contact: Mr. Randy Dossett, house leader
Note: This is a recovery center with a 12-month long residential program.

Mississippi Offender Reentry Experience (MORE)
750 N. State Suite 283
Jackson, MS 39202
Office: (601) 398-9042  
Email: gene.henderson500@outlook.com
Contact: Gene Henderson, president
Website: www.moreMS.org 

New Way MS, Inc.
916 Inge Street
Jackson, MS 39203
Contact: Mr. Larry Perry
Cell: 601-354-4002
Email: Lperry1841@yahoo.com
Note: No sex offenders accepted.

Salvation Army Shelter of Hope
710 B Street, Meridian, MS 39301
Meridian, Miss. 39301
Phone: (601) 483-6156
Contact: Lt. Robb
Note: Has 26 beds. Does drug and alcohol test when clients arrive. They must pass D&A test before they are admitted. Shelter is provided for two weeks. Assistance is given for jobs, ID and housing. After two weeks, cost is $8 a night. 


ROSCOE BARNES III, Ph.D., is a writer, chaplain, historian, and former newspaper reporter. He is the author of more than a dozen books and Gospel tracts. For more information about his work and history, see his Personal Profile here or visit his website: http://www.roscoebarnes.net. Connect with him on Twitter (@roscoebarnes3) or by email: roscoebarnes3@yahoo.com.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Barnes Creek: Nice Surprise on Highway 61 in South Mississippi


Photo by Michelle Childres

Michelle Childres snapped this photo on Saturday, July 4, 2020, during our road trip to Vicksburg, Miss. The sign is located south of Port Gibson, Miss. I had seen the sign many times during my travels up and down the highway. However, this was the first opportunity I had to stop for a photo. Now I have to look up the history of this creek, which has such a cool name. :-)

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Representing My Military Service


I'm sporting my new Army cap, and I kinda like it. I ordered it in June, just a few weeks ago, after wearing out another Army cap that was purchased in 2013. This one fits nicely and the word "ARMY" stands out. I'm sure I will have it for a long time, until I literally wear it out.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

WCCF News (7/2020): What's Happening at Wilkinson County Correctional Facility

By Roscoe Barnes III, PhD
Chaplain/PIO, Wilkinson County Correctional Facility


This is a collection of news briefs I compiled for The Woodville Republican (Woodville, Miss.). The collection is set to appear as a quarter-page ad on Thursday, July 23, 2020. Wilkinson County Correctional Facility (WCCF), Woodville, where I serve as chaplain and public information officer (PIO), is publishing its news in this format each quarter in the local newspaper.


What’s Happening at
Wilkinson County Correctional Facility
(July 2020)


MTC President Scott Marquardt visits
Wilkinson County Correctional Facility

From left: President Scott Marquardt, Senior Vice President of Region IV Sarah Revell, MTC Senior VP of Corrections Leann Bertsch, and Warden Scott Middlebrooks. President Marquardt visited units throughout the facility. He and his team talked to offenders and staff in various departments, including the facility’s gym and medical unit. They examined ongoing construction projects inside the facility and landscaping work around the facility. “It was a nice visit,” said Middlebrooks. “They were pleased to see the progress we’ve made and are continuing to make. We appreciate them taking the time to meet with us.”

Schoettmer is new Chief of Security

Major Matthew Schoettmer is the new Chief of Security at WCCF. Schoettmer previously served as the captain of WCCF’s Correctional Emergency Response Team (CERT). He has over 20 years of experience in corrections. Warden Scott Middlebrooks said Schoettmer has done an outstanding job leading the CERT team. “I’m looking forward to working with him in his new position,” Middlebrooks said.

Schoettmer has held important positions in corrections. In addition to having served as a shift supervisor and lead captain at various facilities, he has worked as a special control unit lieutenant over a Segregation Unit. Additionally, he has served as a urinalysis coordinator and K-9 field commander. He was a member of the Canine Unit at Miami Correctional Facility. Schoettmer also helped to train squad and military personnel going overseas to operate military prisons. Schoettmer said he is happy about his new position. “We’re one team with one goal,” he said. “We are all in this together.”

In his new position, Schoettmer will report to the deputy warden of operations and directly supervise the facility captains. He will oversee the training of staff as well as the custody and discipline of inmates. As the chief of security, Schoettmer will respond to emergencies and handle all matters pertaining to safety and security. His essential duties include the supervision of searches for contraband. He will also provide security for staff and the offenders.

WCCF observes Memorial Day and Fourth of July with staff and offenders

Between May and July, WCCF observed two major holidays with special programs for its staff and the incarcerated men they serve. Warden Scott Middlebrooks and his administrative team served holiday meals for the Fourth of July on Thursday, July 2, and Friday, July 3. They served Memorial Day meals on Monday, May 25. “We had a great time,” said a number of staff members. “The food was good, and everybody was happy. This shows that the people at MTC and WCCF really care about this place.”

Alexander named STG Investigator

Lieutenant Lawanda Alexander is now an STG Investigator at WCCF. In her previous position, which she held from January to June this year, she worked as a case manager. Altogether, she has worked more than 16 years in investigations. “I feel that my new position is going to be challenging, but as I always say, ‘If you’re not challenged, you’re not growing,’” Alexander said. “I am up for the challenge.”

Alexander holds a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from Jackson State University and an associate degree in law enforcement technology from Southwest Mississippi Community College. She is currently pursuing a master’s degree in criminal justice from the University of Southern Mississippi. A resident of Summit, Alexander is a graduate of Amite County High School in Liberty. Alexander said she is motivated by the love she has for her son. “I have a son that is my motivation to be the best in everything I set forward to do,” she said.

Staff honored as Employees of the Month

WCCF honored three staff members for their hard work over the past three months. In addition to CERT Sgt. Jason Spence, who was named Employee of the Month for May, the facility recognized Laundry Officer Tammy McFarland as Employee of the Month for June and Officer Joyce Jackson for the month of July. Warden Scott Middlebrooks applauded them for dedication and commitment to their respective jobs. “They exemplify what it means to be model employees,” he said.

Jenkins and Amos promoted

Ms. Kelley Jenkins, who has served as sergeant at WCCF, has been promoted to lieutenant. Captain Phillip Griffith said her promotion was “well deserved.” “We are proud of her,” he said. Ms. Kelly Amos has been promoted to case manager. Amos previously worked as a records clerk.

Nine Men do Mock Job Interviews

WCCF held a mock job fair on July 07, 2020 with nine incarcerated men preparing to go home. “These individuals came prepared as though they were going to an actual job interview,” said Keyla Williams, WCCF reentry coordinator. “They came with their resumes that emphasized skills, qualification, education, and professional contributions.” Williams and WCCF staff created mock businesses to conduct the interviews. They included such companies as Wilson’s Welding Inc., Lamberts Construction Co., McDonald Lawn Car LLC., Henderson Farm Championship, H&M Painting and Design, and Foster Farms.

Williams said WCCF’s reentry program is vital to the men preparing to reenter society. “We offer cognitive behavior training, life skills and career planning,” she said. “We also provide training for financial literacy and job skills.”

 #PrivatePrisons #Corrections #MTCChangesLives


ROSCOE BARNES III, Ph.D., is a writer, chaplain, historian, and former newspaper reporter. He is the author of more than a dozen books and Gospel tracts. For more information about his work and history, see his Personal Profile here or visit his website: http://www.roscoebarnes.net. Connect with him on Twitter (@roscoebarnes3) or by email: roscoebarnes3@yahoo.com.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Joan Trumpauer Mulholland Featured in 2020 Wilkinson County Schools Yearbook

The Civil Rights Pioneer and Freedom Rider visited the school district in 2019

By Roscoe Barnes III, PhD
Chairman, The Anne Moody History Project
Copyright (c) 2019


Charles E. Johnson, retired superintendent of the Wilkinson County School District (WCSD) in southwest Mississippi, featured Joan Trumpauer Mulholland in the 2020 Wilkinson County Schools Yearbook. Mulholland was a freedom rider and civil rights activist. Wilkinson County Correctional Facility (WCCF) brought her to Wilkinson County in September 2019, where she held special programs at the Wilkinson County High School and at WCCF. She visited the high school on Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2019. Images of her visit at the school appear on a two-page spread in the yearbook. Mulholland was joined by her son, Loki Mulholland, who is an award-winning filmmaker

The visit was held in honor of Anne Moody's birthday, which was September 15. Moody, a civil rights pioneer, wrote the classic, Coming of Age in Mississippi. She was a friend of Mulholland during their time at Tougaloo College. Both of them worked together in the fight for freedom, justice and equality for all people. Moody was born in 1940 in Centreville. She died in 2015 at the age of 74. Mulholland's visit was organized by The Anne Moody History Project (AMHP).


Want to know MORE about Anne Moody?

Visit here to see the timeline of 
important events in her life history!


For more information:
See the Anne Moody page here. Questions about the Anne Moody History Project may be directed to Roscoe Barnes III, Ph.D. via email at doctorbarnes3@gmail.com or roscoebarnes3@yahoo.com. For updates on Anne Moody history and the on-going work of this community service project, simply follow this blog or follow AMHP on Twitter (@AnneMoodyHP). #ComingOfAgeinMississippi

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Farewell to Ted Alexander, Noted Author and Civil War Historian

He is featured in this 2011 video on 'The Burning of Chambersburg'

By Roscoe Barnes III, PhD
Copyright (c) 2020


See "The Burning of Chambersburg" on YouTube by visiting here.

I'm happy to have served as a narrator for this colorful video which features Ted Alexander​​, a noted Civil War historian. But today I am sad because I recently learned of Ted's passing. 

My friend and former newspaper colleague, Marcus Rauhut, made this video in 2011. At the time, Marcus and I were reporters for Public Opinion (Chambersburg, Pa.). I share this video now as a tribute to my friend, Ted Alexander. May he rest in peace.

Ted Alexander
(Photo credit: Herald-Mail

ROSCOE BARNES III, Ph.D., is a writer, chaplain, historian, and former newspaper reporter. He is the author of more than a dozen books and Gospel tracts. For more information about his work and history, see his Personal Profile here or visit his website: http://www.roscoebarnes.net. Connect with him on Twitter (@roscoebarnes3) or by email: roscoebarnes3@yahoo.com.

The Medgar Evers House

My 2019 visit proved to be an emotional experience

By Roscoe Barnes III, PhD
Chairman, The Anne Moody History Project
Copyright (c) 2019


Outside the Medgar Evers House

The Medgar Evers House. His blood is still visible in the driveway. Michelle Childres and I visited this historic site in August 2019 during a #HistoryHunting trip in Jackson, Miss. The house is now a museum. It receives visitors from all over the country. The tour guide is a passionate speaker. Michelle and I were deeply moved by the visit. The house is located at 2332 Margaret W Alexander Dr, Jackson, MS 39213.

#MedgarEvers #CivilRights #Mississippi #BlackHistory #ComingOfAgeinMississippi #RoscoeAndMichellesExcellentAdventures #MichelleChildres #AnneMoody

Inside the Medgar Evers House

ROSCOE BARNES III, Ph.D., is a writer, chaplain, historian, and former newspaper reporter. He is the author of more than a dozen books and Gospel tracts. For more information about his work and history, see his Personal Profile here or visit his website: http://www.roscoebarnes.net. Connect with him on Twitter (@roscoebarnes3) or by email: roscoebarnes3@yahoo.com.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Two Bosworth-Related Articles Listed in 'Pneuma Review' Roundup

By Roscoe Barnes III, PhD
Author, F.F. Bosworth: The Man Behind "Christ the Healer"
Copyright (c) 2020


I was happy to learn recently that two of my articles (blog posts) are listed in a lineup of “significant articles” published by The Pneuma Review. I’m grateful to my friend, John Lathrop, for bringing the list to my attention. As I posted on Facebook and other social media platforms, it is an honor to be included with the important writers and scholars whose work is highlighted in the piece.

The Pneuma Review article, “Spring 2020: Other Significant Articles” (June 25, 2020), can be viewed here or by visiting this link: http://pneumareview.com/spring-2020-other-significant-articles/
My work is listed as follows:

Roscoe Barnes III, “Remembering Dr. Vinson Synan, Historian Extraordinaire of Pentecostal Church HistoryRoscoe Reporting (April 3, 2020).

I am sincerely grateful to The Pneuma Review for publishing this list. In addition to my work, you will see articles by such important figures as Chris Green, John Lathrop, Daniel Isgrigg, Craig Keener, and Andrew K. Gabriel, among others.


Reminder: "F.F. Bosworth History" is now on Twitter. Follow @bosworth_fred

Note: My book, F.F. Bosworth: The Man Behind "Christ the Healer," can be purchased here with a 25% discount. Use the discount code: BOSWORTH25.


Want to know more
about F.F. Bosworth?

Follow the Bosworth Matters blog!
Visit here:


For more information:
Visit the F.F. Bosworth page here. Questions about the research and commentary on F.F. Bosworth may be directed to Roscoe Barnes III, Ph.D., via email at doctorbarnes3@gmail.com or roscoebarnes3@yahoo.com. For updates on F.F. Bosworth history, simply follow this blog or @bosworth_fred and @Roscoebarnes3 on Twitter. #ChristTheHealer #BosworthMention #BosworthMatters

Natchez Powwow slated for weekend of March 29 and 30

By Roscoe Barnes III Natchez, MS, USA / ListenUpYall.com Mar 13, 2025 | 12:23 PM Natchez's David Kelley, and his wife, Dr. Kelsey Kelley...