Sunday, October 25, 2020

My Appearance in Alliance Life Magazine (October 2000)

News report sheds light on my gospel tract ministry 

By Roscoe Barnes III, PhD
Author, The Guide to Effective Gospel Tract Ministry


Call me Tractster. This is a short news item about my ministry of writing, publishing, and distributing gospel tracts. It was featured on page 7 in the October 2000 issue of Alliance Life magazine, the official organ of the Christian & Missionary Alliance. 

The story appeared a few years before the publication of my book, The Guide To Effective Gospel Tract Ministry (, 2004). The book can be ordered here:


Alliance Life
(Page 7, October 2000) 

Tracts Become Popular Again

 Motivated by the work of Thomas Paine some 200 years ago, a modern-day pamphleteer from Waynesboro, Pennsylvania, is using the printed word to bring about a different kind of revolution – a spiritual one. Roscoe Barnes III works as a journalist, but it’s his work in writing and distributing gospel tracts that has earned him the name “tractster.” 

“This is a proven way to effect lasting change and offer hope to people the world over,” says Barnes. “Readers may ignore a large book because of a lack of time or intimidation. But practically anyone will read a short tract.” He adds, “Despite the onslaught of today’s technology, I believe we can do today – with tracts – what Paine did with ‘Common Sense.’ It is commonly believed that Paine’s Pamphlet led to the signing of the Declaration of Independence.”


ROSCOE BARNES III, Ph.D., is a writer, chaplain, historian, and former newspaper reporter. He is the author of more than a dozen books and Gospel tracts. For more information about his work and history, see his Personal Profile here or visit his website: Connect with him on Twitter (@roscoebarnes3) or by email:

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