Saturday, January 26, 2019

Evangelist Jack Coe Jr. has Died

He was the Son of Famous Post-World War II Healing Revivalist Jack Coe Sr.

By Roscoe Barnes III

Author, F.F. Bosworth: The Man Behind Christ the Healer
Copyright (c) 2019


Evangelist Jack Coe Jr.

Evangelist Jack Coe Jr., son of healing revivalist Jack Coe Sr. (1918-1956), is now with the Lord, according to his ministry staff.

He reportedly died early Monday morning, Jan. 21, 2019, at the age of 74. His cause of death was not reported.

Coe often testified of being healed of cancer by the Lord. However, in recent years, he sought prayer and financial support for a kidney transplant, according to his website and Twitter account.

His obituary notes that he and his wife, Frieda, were married for 55 years. 

Coe's father ministered with F.F. Bosworth in The Voice of Healing in the 1940s and 1950s. His father also sat under the ministry of P.C. Nelson, a man whose healing ministry was directly influenced by Bosworth.

The staff of Jack Coe International Ministries shared the news Coe's passing in a Facebook post:

Dear Family and Friends,

At 4:20 a.m. on January 21, 2019, Jack won his final victory in this life and changed his permanent address to Heaven. The Coe Family is saddened by their loss but thankful that Jack is now completely healed and celebrating with his Lord and Savior. Jack was a beloved husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, brother, friend and will be greatly missed.

A memorial service is scheduled for Saturday, January 26th at 2 p.m. at Empowering Word Christian Center in Red Oak, Texas. (118 S, State Hwy 342, Red Oak, Texas 75154). There will not be a graveside service.

If you have questions, please send them via Facebook Messenger in order to give the family time to mourn. Thank you for your prayers of comfort and support during this time.


Jack Coe Ministries Staff


Note: My book, F.F. Bosworth: The Man Behind Christ the Healer, can be purchased here with a 25% discount. Use the discount code: bosworth25.


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#ChristTheHealer #BosworthMatters #BosworthMention


  1. JACK COE was the real deal. The man was joy on wheels. He stayed in faith, spoke in love and lived in contagious joy. Bravely he traveled anywhere but he didnt know he was being brave, just obedient. Great peace to his family and Frieda. Many in Colombia will miss him for a while...and then heaven where we never have to leave home. Andrew & Kathy McMillan

  2. Sorry. Jr. was an absolute fake:
    I met him in Dallas, 2005. I asked him about his books, were they about fasting, faith, etc.?, I asked. He laughed at me, and denounced fasting. The next year, I brought him to speak at a church I attended. He actually falsely said things about me, of unkindness, in front of the whole church, claiming that it was a " prophecy".
    Lennard Darbee, who worked with Coe Sr. told me that Sr. told him, that " he had had venereal disease so many times"

    1. I'd love to know more. Can you send me an email at

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. From the time I gave my life to Chtist.i had contact with Bro,R w Shambrach.and he sent me some messages on tape with all of the men and women of God's, the great tent meeting.I have been blessed by those greatest men of God.Jack code,..I wish if these men of God's is still around.

    1. The Tent Masters is a powerful collection of sermons by great healing evangelists.

  5. If any one out there will like to help me with one of Jack code book,is well come.i can't buy non.address,Suresh Madramootoo. Suriname (Southamarica).tell.597-8786638.

  6. I search for Jack Coe Jr on the internet because I had a booklet with his mother's picture on the back of it. It was giving to my great grandmother. She was saved through Jack Coe Sr ministry his wife would minister to her. So i offered the booklet back to him. He was vey happy to receive it.

  7. Thank you. What a wonderful testimony! Blessings to you.


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