Wednesday, January 23, 2019

On This Day (January 23): F.F. Bosworth Dies of Heart Attack

He was at home with his family in Miami, Fla.

By Roscoe Barnes III
Author, F.F. Bosworth: The Man Behind Christ the Healer
Copyright (c) 2019


Fred Francis Bosworth

NOTE: New information has come to light on F.F. Bosworth’s cause of death. For more information, please see, “F.F. Bosworth’s Death Certificate” and "B.B. Bosworth’s Death Certificate.”


On January 23, 1958, F.F. Bosworth died of a heart attack in his home in Miami, Fla., after a brief illness. He was 81.

Services were held at 2 p.m., Monday, Jan. 27, in Miami Gospel Tabernacle, with burial in Woodlawn Park. Arrangements were handled by Bess Memorial Mortuary.

Bosworth's brother, B.B. Bosworth, died on Feb. 17, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Both of the brothers had suffered from diabetes, according to their family and members of the Christian and Missionary Alliance.

In the April 1958 issue of World-Wide Revival, David J. Du Plessis wrote a moving tribute to Bosworth, whom he considered a "faithful pioneer." He suggested, "Thousands of Christians of all denominations throughout the world will miss the well-known evangelist, author, and Bible teacher."

Du Plessis, who became known as "Mr. Pentecost," gave a brief overview of Bosworth's life history. He underscored a number of his successful healing campaigns:

In the 1920’s one of the largest Bosworth campaigns was conducted in Ottawa, Canada, where the large civic auditorium seating 11,000 persons was filled nightly to capacity. During this Ottawa revival many miracles of healing took place in answer to the prayer of faith. Many vehicles were employed, automobiles, ambulances, and even hearses, to bring the sick and afflicted on stretchers to the services. Further large and successful campaigns included New York, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Chicago, and other cities.

Bosworth's wife, Florence, and their four children, were with him when he passed, according to Du Plessis. He wrote it was estimated that more than a million people came to Christ through Bosworth's ministry.


Note: My book, F.F. Bosworth: The Man Behind Christ the Healer, can be purchased here with a 25% discount. Use the discount code: bosworth25.


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Visit the F.F. Bosworth page here. Questions about the research and commentary on F.F. Bosworth may be directed to Roscoe Barnes III, Ph.D., via email at or For updates on F.F. Bosworth history, simply follow this blog or @Roscoebarnes3 on Twitter.

#ChristTheHealer #BosworthMatters #BosworthMention #ThisDayInHistory #ThisDayInFFBosworthHistory


  1. How? Did F. F. Bosworth exit this world? Some preach! Naturally going to sleep/crossing over. Someone else has posted complications from a heart attack. Which is truth and the other A Lie?!? I am searching for his death certificate.😃😁🙋🍎💯

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.



February 2025 was a busy and fruitful month.

This clipping is from The Natchez Democrat.   (Click on image to enlarge.)