Monday, October 28, 2019

Billy Graham and The Voice of Healing

Editorial shows his support for post-World War II healing revivalists

By Roscoe Barnes III, PhD
Author, F.F. Bosworth: The Man Behind "Christ the Healer"
Copyright (c) 2019


Evangelist Billy Graham
The Billy Graham Center


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In the June 1951 issue of The Voice of Healing (TVOH), Gordon Lindsay* shared an editorial in which he praised Billy Graham for holding a successful city-wide crusade in Shreveport, La., the city that was home to TVOH headquarters. The same editorial suggested Graham gave his blessing to the ministry of TVOH.

“Billy Graham has just completed a city-wide revival which has had significant proportions in the city of Shreveport,” the writer of the editorial noted. “We have had opportunity to hear him several times and we believe that the meetings have done much good.”

The writer went on to say that Graham was clear and fearless in his preaching. He called for repentance as he gave “a sharp rebuke to Modernism, lukewarm churches, and false cults, which have denied the necessity of the New Birth and the need of Christ as Saviour,” the editorial explained. Graham, it noted, warned people about the need for repentance and the reality of hell.

“There is no doubt that God has raised him up to do an important work among the long-established churches, and we should pray for him,” the writer suggested. “In his success, he gives God all the glory, and shows a most humble spirit.”

At the time of the crusade, Graham would have been 32. That was two years after the pivotal point in his life when his ministry was promoted by newspaper publisher William Randoph Hearst. It is said that Hearst ordered his papers to “puff Graham,” a directive that made the young preacher an instant, nationally-known celebrity. Despite his new found celebrity status, Graham still appeared to be humble, something for which he was known throughout his life.

Although Graham, a Southern Baptist, was known for preaching clear evangelistic sermons, he was not a cessationist. He held to Evangelical theology, but he believed in divine miracles and healing. He was a friend of Oral Roberts and highly respected by many Pentecostals. In April 1967, Oral Roberts University welcomed him to dedicate its campus.

Graham wrote about miracles and healing in his book, The Holy Spirit: Activating God's Power in Your Life (Thomas Nelson, 2000). In one section, he noted:

And today when the gospel is proclaimed on the frontiers of the Christian faith that approximate the first century situation, miracles still sometimes accompany the advance of the gospel. As indicated by both the prophets Hosea and Joel, as we approach the end of the age we may expect miracles to increase.

Graham was obviously ecumenical. However, his fellowship with Pentecostals and healing revivalists might suggest he had a sincere belief in the active, working power of the Holy Spirit. His support for TVOH was noted in the closing paragraph of the magazine's editorial:

Incidentally, may we say, that when conversing with Billy Graham, he commended most highly the editing of The Voice of Healing, and sent his best wishes to all of our brethren whom God is using in world-wide revival. We were humbly grateful for the kind words of Billy Graham for whose opinion we have high regard.


* It is highly possible the editorial was written by Gordon Lindsay, who served as editor-in-chief for the magazine.

The full editorial can be read below. Take a look.


The Voice of Healing (June 1951)


Billy Graham in Shreveport

Billy Graham has just completed a city-wide revival which has had significant proportions in the city of Shreveport. We have had opportunity to hear him several times and we believe that the meetings have done much good. Graham has presented a clear-cut message of repentance, that is a sharp rebuke to Modernism, lukewarm churches, and false cults, which have denied the necessity of the New Birth and the need of Christ as Saviour. He has warned the people fearlessly, that without repentance, hell is a certainty for the sinner. There is no doubt that God has raised him up to do an important work among the long-established churches, and we should pray for him. In his success, he gives God all the glory, and shows a most humble spirit.

The denominational churches are learning very rapidly the power of united effort. These churches see the value of union campaigns that make whole cities God-conscious. They are working to get the most out of such meetings. Their attitude is a rebuke to men of small vision who have opposed union meetings. For it has been the healing revival that has paved the way for mass revivals all over the world. Five years ago, denominational circles spurned city-wide campaigns, and said that the “Billy Sunday days” were gone forever. Four years ago when the editors of The Voice of Healing organized the first city-wide union campaigns there were no other mass revivals of significant proportions occurring anywhere in America. It was the healing revival that brought out the vast crowds of people, which has prepared the way for great union efforts all over the world.

We are thankful that the majority of godly men are not only in favor, but rejoice with exceeding joy in this Divine visitation. We have only pity for those few who are so limited in their spiritual vision that they opposed them. World-wide revival is shaking nations and islands for God, but it is a curious fact that a man totally blind cannot see the noon-day sun any better than the shadows of midnight. But no matter, most of the leaders in progressive churches see it and they are for it, and are thankful. The tide of God is moving. It is time for the Gospel ship to move out with the full tide of Divine mercy, so graciously manifested. God’s people are moving out. Hallelujah!

Incidentally, may we say, that when conversing with Billy Graham, he commended most highly the editing of The Voice of Healing, and sent his best wishes to all of our brethren whom God is using in world-wide revival. We were humbly grateful for the kind words of Billy Graham for whose opinion we have high regard.


Further reading:

"F.F. Bosworth and Billy Graham: How They Both Found Favor in the Pages of the Press." See here.

"T.L. Osborn's Mention of Billy Graham: Ideas Presented for Success in Ministry." See here.
Note: My book, F.F. Bosworth: The Man Behind "Christ the Healer," can be purchased here with a 25% discount. Use the discount code: bosworth25.


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