Monday, October 14, 2019

R.W. Schambach, F.F. Bosworth, and the Reported Closings of Schools for the Deaf

By Roscoe Barnes III, PhD
Author, F.F. Bosworth: The Man Behind "Christ the Healer"
Copyright (c) 2019


Evangelist R.W. Schambach
(1926 - 2012)

It appears that F.F. Bosworth (1877-1958) is not the only evangelist whose healing ministry is said to have closed a school for the deaf.

According to Donna Schambach, a school for the deaf once closed during the ministry of her father, Robert William ("R.W.") Schambach (1926-2012). She mentioned the event in a Facebook post dated Nov. 21, 2012. She wrote: "Everyone from the hotel bellman to the farmer with the monkey, told me they remembered Dad's crusade there 30 years prior ... an entire deaf school was put out of business in one night!"

She said the incident occurred in St. Kitts, the island nation, and not Australia.

In a reply to her post, I asked for more information: "Thanks for sharing this, Donna! The only other evangelist I heard of closing a school for the death was F.F. Bosworth in Chicago in the late 1920s. I would love to know more about this case you mentioned. Perhaps you can share it in an upcoming newsletter? Or your blog?"

She replied: "I'll have to dig it out of old audios or Power Magazines ... see what I can do ... I was so amazed at how 30 years later the locals were still talking about that miracle meeting."

Robert Schambach, a protege of Evangelist A.A. Allen (1911-1970), was a famous revivalist known for his powerful, dynamic preaching and his ministry of healing and deliverance. His radio program was heard daily throughout the United States. He might be remembered as one of the last of the great tent preachers. 

Robert was the author of such books as Power of Faith for Today's Christian (Power Publications, 1996), Miracles: Eyewitness to the Miraculous (Harrison House Publishers, 1993), You Can't Beat God Givin' (Harrison House Publishers, 1994), The Violent Take It by Force (Schambach Revivals, 2000), Schambach's When You Wonder Why (Power Publications, 1996), How to Heal the Sick, Cast Out Devils and Still Go to Hell (R.W. Schambach, 1976).

The report by Donna, while obviously rare, is certainly inspiring, especially to Pentecostals and those who embrace divine healing. However, without any details, eyewitnesses or convincing evidence of the miraculous healings, one is left to accept the report by faith. That said, it should be noted that this post is not meant to be critical of Donna or of her report, and neither is it an expression of doubt about her claim. Rather, it is simply a note about the similarities that her story shares with a case involving Bosworth -- and my desire to know more about the incident.

Who knows? Perhaps Donna or some researcher will have the opportunity in the near future to dig up and disclose more details about the reported healings.

Interestingly, what is said here about Robert Schambach can also be said of Bosworth, whose ministry led to the closing of a school for the death in the 1920s in Chicago, according to David J. du Plessis. He mentioned the school in the April 1958 issue of World-Wide Revival. He wrote:

Fred Bosworth received a lot of publicity in the Chicago Daily News and other metropolitan newspapers when a large number of students who were attending a school for the death were miraculously healed, their healings causing the school to close.

Du Plessis' claim, which was made in a tribute to Bosworth, should not be taken at face value. Instead, it should be investigated so that unanswered questions can be answered. At least one historian (who shall remain nameless in this post) has expressed doubts about the closing of the school. He argues the claim is false and is not supported by any evidence.

More research is needed in both of the aforementioned cases.

For more information on R.W. Schambach, visit the Schambach Foundation website here or here:


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Note: My book, F.F. Bosworth: The Man Behind "Christ the Healer," can be purchased here with a 25% discount. Use the discount code: bosworth25.


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Inspiring message by V. Charlene Evers-Kreel

  (Click on image to enlarge.) This story appears in the Thursday, March 6, 2025, issue of The Mississippi Link.