By Roscoe Barnes III, PhD
Author, F.F. Bosworth: The Man Behind "Christ the Healer"
Copyright (c) 2019
On October 19, 1921, the healing testimony of War Veteran John W. Sproul appeared on page 3 of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Sproul testified to being healed in a revival meeting in Sheraden that was held by F.F. Bosworth and his brother, B.B.
According to press reports, Sproul had lost his voice about three years earlier following a gas attack on the battlefields of France. A number of doctors, including specialists, examined him and treated him, but no one succeeded in helping him. Some described his case as hopeless. When Sproul received prayer in the meeting held by the Bosworth Brothers, his voice returned.
Sproul began testifying in many places. In addition to a government building before elected officials, he shared the platform with F.F. Bosworth. He later began preaching as an evangelist. Unfortunately, he also landed in trouble with the law. In 1930, he was found guilty on three counts of passing bad checks. He had "victimized a crippled admirer to the extent of $3,000," according to press reports.
Sproul's testimony, as featured in the newspaper, can be read below.
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Evangelist John W. Sproul |
#OTD #ThisDayInHistory #ThisDayInFFBosworthHistory #ChurchHistory #PublicHistory #Pentecostal #AssembliesOfGod #ORU #CFNI #Evangelicals #DivineHealing #Revival
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Wednesday, Oct. 19, 1921
Page 3
Loud Voice of Whispering
Service Man Startles City Hall Group
City officials and employees of City Hall yesterday paused in their practical, everyday routine to turn their minds for a few minutes to the mystery of divine power.
John W. Sproul of 836 Cherokee Street was a victim of a gas attack on the battlefields of France nearly three years ago. As a result he suffered the loss of his voice. Army physicians were unable to give relief and finally discharged him, declaring his voice hopelessly lost. Sproul was examined by a number of Pittsburgh specialists, who acknowledged their inability to help him. He also visited specialists in other cities without avail.
The World War veteran had a number of friends in the city government. For months he was accustomed to visit them daily. Frequently he visited in the office of Ben L. Anderson, the Mayor's secretary. He could speak only in the slightest whisper, and to make out his words it was necessary to turn an ear close to him. That was the case when he was in City Hall Monday.
Hearty Greeting Startled.
"Hello, boys," was his hearty greeting when he entered the office yesterday. Those gathered there were astounded. Scant attention had been given Hutch Liggett, a city chauffeur, who had avowed that when passing Sproul's home in the morning he had been greeted by a cheery "Halloo" that nearly ended in the wreck of a city automobile.
"Faith did it," Sproul declared. He told how he had gone on Monday to the evangelistic service in Sheraden being conducted by the Bosworth Brothers.
"I heard Sunday about the meetings and decided to attend," he said. "I was one of the first to respond when an appeal was made to those seeking a cure through faith. After praying for a few minutes the evangelist asked me if I had faith and I replied that I had. He then told me to say, " Praise God." It was a struggle, but suddenly my voice came and I uttered the words in a loud voice."
Officials Wondering.
He was congratulated right and left yesterday in the City-County Building. Many persons rejoiced with him on his evident happiness and went away wondering. Not a few grew thoughtful at the unquestioned demonstration and expressed their wonder at it.
More than 80 men and women, including an infant in arms, sought the help of Fred Francis Bosworth, the evangelist, last night in Sheraden, to cure them of their afflictions. Sproul was a speaker at the service.
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Note: My book, F.F. Bosworth: The Man Behind "Christ the Healer," can be purchased here with a 25% discount. Use the discount code: bosworth25.
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